Today we laid Grandpa Hanzely to rest. It was a beautiful funeral and he had full military honors. This was the first time I ever witnessed this and it was truly amazing. Its really quite sad that at funerals everyone can open up a little more and express their love for one another and not feel as odd. It makes me think that often times we let our pride get in the way of our emotions. Everyone wants to feel loved, everyone loves someone at some time, everyone wants to be free to express love, but yet, we don't. Is it that we are simply embarrassed to tell someone that you love them? Is it that we don't want to overuse the word? Is it that we were just raised that way, to hold in our emotions and not wear our hearts on our sleeves? Why is it that its so hard to tell cousins you barely see that you love them, when you truly do? I feel I take so much for granted from each of my family members by simply enjoying time together with them, but avoiding something as simple as just giving a hug and telling them you love them. I need to do this more. You never know when it will be the last time.
I'm feeling a bit emotional having lost two loved ones within a week and a half of each other. One, my uncle, there was no good-byes, the other, grandpa Hanzely, we had three weeks of good-byes and it tore our hearts out to watch him slowly go to be with the Lord. I am hoping that this experience has made me grow a little bit more on the compassion and love aspect.
I have so much to love about my life and there are so many people whom God has put into my life for whom I am so very blessed. I hope that I may find a way to let friends, neighbors, relatives, and enemies (and even internet buddies) know that I love them. I may or may not love what they do or who they are, but I love that God has somehow placed them into MY life and I hope that I can be a true friend / relative.
Thank you Jesus for all these wonderful people you've put into my life and I pray that I might be a light to each one of them and show them the love they deserve.
Oh, and hug your family today and tell them you love them..... I DID!!!!