Friday, February 5, 2010

The fun you can have with dishsoap, a straw, and a cool big sister!

Tristin wanted to do an experiment she read about in one of her books and asked me first if she made a mess and cleaned it up could she blow some bubbles on the kitchen table.  The words "if I cleaned it up" sold me on whatever she wanted to do.  So I walked away for a few minutes to do something and this is what I came back into the room to see:


Well, obviously when I realized she was blowing tons of bubbles like this I knew the twins would get in on the action too and it was actually quite cute to just sit back and watch them and take photos.  Enjoy!
Isaac was really into it, so much that he got a front row seat but sitting up on the table:
Then he offered her the best gift he could give for playing bubbles with him for so long:

Caleb got in on the action too and had a really good time:

Thank God for Great Big Sisters :)

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