Oh yea, Caleb and Isaac are full of mischief when they want to be. I sat and played with the older three children for a little bit and left Caleb and Isaac alone in their bedroom to play for a bit. They have lots of toys in there and usually they are pretty good at keeping themselves entertained for a little while. If they need something they come out and let me know, so its not unusual for me to put them in their room for a few minutes of alone time with each other so that I may have some alone time with the other three.
I went into check on them and low and behold....the below is what I found. They had pulled over their diaper shelf that had all their lotions, powders, wipes, diapers, etc... and of course I did not screw the lid shut on the baby powder so they took advantage of it and covered the room with an almost full bottle of sweet smelling powder. I ran for the camera because this was one of those moments you see on TV's Funniest Videos or something. I tried not to laugh as to not encourage this to ever happen again, but boy was it hard. And the funniest part of the whole thing was that neither boy seemed to hide what they were doing as my other children would have. They were more like, "Hey mom, look what we're doing... We are making a BIG mess!!"
Gotta love them!!
BUSTED!!! Caleb was the one performing the act:
Poor Isaac was totally covered in powder:
Was Caleb whispering to Isaac "Do you think we're in trouble?"
They are too Cute!