Saturday, January 2, 2010
Sometimes, when in leadership positions, it is easy to sit back and dictate orders to other people and expect that things go your way with little argument. And, true, you probably worked hard to earn that leadership position, but don’t forget the path that you took to get there. Other people are now in your place. As a leader, try making other people’s jobs easier, instead of just thinking about yours. Think about pitching in whenever possible, always being a positive force. Be hands on. Be accessible and open to suggestions. Be a team player, even if you feel more like a coach than anything else. You’ll accomplish a lot more in the long run.
I got this off of my daily Motivation on my site. I have been using this site faithfully since September and I have been tracking my food intake every day and my fitness. I have had alot of success with it and would highly recommend it to anyone looking to try weight loss. If you do sign up you can use me - pookeymom as the person who referred you and that way we can connect easier. I am truly looking for extra motivation this year as I continue on my weight loss journey and my fitness jorney.
I was reading through some motvational clips today and came across one that has just stuck with me all day so I must need to listen to it.
A Goal NOT written down is just a wish. So here goes:
My goals for 2010 are as follows,
#1 Continue my weight loss. I would love to lose another 40 pounds by my birthday in August.
#2 I want to run/walk in THREE 5k's this year. I ran my first 5k on Thanksgiving morning and loved it!!
#3 I will donate blood at least three times this year. With us being featured in a Red Cross Campaign locally here I feel its very important that I give blood more than twice a year. I will shoot for four times this year, but definately will make it a point to donate three times.
#4 I will try to get all my computer time in while kids are at school and hubby is at work and spend more time with the family than I did last year. Working from home can be so hard sometimes because you always have stuff to do and you sit down at the computer and before you know it hours have gone by and not so much just working, but getting side tracked with facebook, emails, games, etc....
#5 I will grow my spiritual walk with God even more this year. I will commit to fellowshipping with someone from my church once a month. Dinner at my house, coffee at local coffee house, bowling, whatever it takes, I want to get to know more people outside of the church building.
#6 I will continue to pray daily for orphans with Down Syndrome and God's will for each of them.
#7 I will pray for the future of all five of my children and the parents of their future spouses to be raising their children with the same values we have.
I think thats a good start :) I pray that I can keep each and every goal written out. I will print this and post it where I can see it to be reminded and check them off when completed.
So what are your goals for the year??
Love this. :)
ReplyDeleteI have a account but have never used it. I have no problem with the exercising part, I love going to the gym now that the kids are in school. But it's the EATING part that torpedoes me! So maybe that is what I need to do next!
ReplyDeleteOK, I just found my username for SparkPeople -- eckidatri. Now I have to figure out how to use the site!