Have you ever had one of those scary moments that you don't know if you should panic OR run for your camera? I had one of those moments the other day. Caleb and Isaac have recently found out that if they shut the door to their bedroom, they have privacy. They love this. I'll go and open the door to peek in and check in on them and they both bolt towards the door and slam the door in my face and then I hear them both giggling. Its actually quite cute, however, they also get into some mischief sometimes. One thing they do often is emptying the dressers out or how about throwing their whole stack of a case of 82 diapers on the floor, and most recently Caleb found out how to get ontop of his dresser. YIKES!!! I couldn't help but run for my camera (while another adult supervised him on the dresser) and get some priceless photos of this event.
Sometimes parents of children with Down Syndrome celebrate the craziest things. I was nervous that he would not be able to get down and of course worst case fall and get hurt. But more than anything I was SOOO PROUD of him for using his gross motor skills to pull his weight up on this dresser. I truly was impressed, nervous, but impressed.
Here is how I found him:
Then I asked him how he thought he would get down. He thought about it,...
He quickly realized that this was not going to work, so back he got back up ontop...
and thought and yelled at me...
then he thought he would try the side approach towards the bed... humm sounds good...
After this photo, mom jumped to the rescue, but this photo is priceless!!!!!
I have to admit, I'd be a little proud too! LOL I don't think Kennedy could do that even if she was brave enough to try! ha