Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Unstable Airway Plan of Action

Today we took both boys back to Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh to consult with a new ENT Dr. Mehta who specialized in subglottic stenosis and airway issues.  He was super cool with the boys and I am happy we were referred to his airway clinic. 

We were due for an ENT check up anyhow as we have not been seen since Dr. Ottesen left CHP almost two years ago.  We had more to discuss than just the airways.  Both boys have a perforated ear drum but Isaac had two are both of his are classified as large holes and may need repaired.

We have decided to go forward with another scope to determine the size of their airways so that everything is documented for future surgeries as to what size breathing tubes to use.  They will scope and biopsy their trachea.  Both boys will have their ears evaluated and fixed if need be.  Both boys with have two teeth extracted and dental work done.   Then Caleb will go forward with his hernia repair and the lump that we felt a few weeks back is going to be removed from his neck.  The doctor said we might as well get as much done under one anesthesia as we possibly can so its a lot but they felt they could handle it.

I was totally hoping for a summer surgery to keep from missing to much school but the soonest we could get them both in on the same day with the same surgeons is Friday September 19th. 

We have some answers, we have an action plan and now we move forward. 

After today's appointment we had lots of time on our hands to do nothing as we are staying in Pittsburgh overnight since we have another appointment tomorrow.  The boys favorite thing to do at Children's is to goto the Pop Shop and get some popcorn so that we did..

and then we watched a tv show in the waiting room and Isaac played Angry Birds on the iPads provided for the kids to play on... will share photos later as I am not at home to save on my computer but boys were good sports today and we enjoyed a quiet day of not having to rush around and drive a total of 5 hours back and forth... That gets old and its tiring for sure. 

Tomorrow we head to Autism Clinic for med checks. 

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