Wednesday, October 3, 2012

31 for 21: Its not always pretty around here

That's right folks, kids are messy.  Kids WITH or WITHOUT disabilities are messy.  I find myself daily trying to make my home into a Martha Stewart look alike home and honestly, I fail big time.  Some days I throw up my arms and say why even try, as soon as they get home from school its going to be a mess again. 

I do it for my own sanity and for my own desire to live in a cleaned up home.  Life gets in the way so often and the above photo is what I often find myself looking at.

Yesterday, I put on my sweatbands and rubber gloves and gave the rooms and floors a good cleaning.  It felt good, it felt clean, it felt homey.  Any takers on how long it will last?

My challenge with Caleb and Isaac??  They both have PDD Autism and Down Syndrome and Sensory Issues, you would "think" that a sensory sensitive child would want things in their place, but NO!!!!  They can destroy a room like this in .5 seconds.  I can take them by the hand and tell them they must pick this mess up and they do... but turn around and do this again.  Its like this is their comfort living.  I feel like I've failed as a parent providing them with the life skills they need to live in a clean and decluttered environment.  I decreased their toy volume by 50% when we redid their room this summer.. it doesn't matter, they still have alot of things.  I got shelving and containers for their stuff, it doesn't matter they empty the shelves and containers and decorate their floors with their stuff.  I need a magic wand!!  Does anyone have one??? NO??!!

Well then lets hear some advice from those that have been there, done that and look back with their wisdom on what worked in the end..  PLEEEEASE!!!!  I don't want to be one of those parents that just give up and give in.  I want to instill good values in my kids, but sometimes I become selfish and TIRED and just throw my hands up and do it myself.  Anyone else guilty of this?

I feel like I have to get myself organized and decluttered before I can get my kids on the right path.. Its a never ending issue.  I do have three older children ages 15, 11, and 9.  I also struggle with them daily.  Their excuse is always "The twins did it" and then refuse to pick up.  UGH!!!  But I will not give up.. someday I will become a Martha Stewart of some kind..LOL

Please post your advice tips on my blog to share it with my readers.  I am trying to get more comments going on my blog, since not everyone reads my Facebook wall.


  1. You commented that you will become a Martha Stewart of some kind. Why is a woman that went to jail for fraud, who doesn't do her own work and lives in a home without children a role model for you? How about striving to be the kind of mom that when you children are older they will say, yeah, mom made us clean up, most of the time, but more important she spent time with me. Keep trying, keep at it, when they are older they will rise up and "call you blessed". I have a grown child now that values hot having his apartment a mess, you would have never guessed when he was a kid he would ever care. They do hear you, don't give up, but seize those moments. You are doing an amazing job as a mom, 5 kids all with special gifts and abilities and you are their CEO, train them and they will eventually figure it out. Keep up the good work.

  2. Cleaning up is a good habit. :) And, indeed, having the right rubber gloves can help you get through the clean up faster and safer. Living in a clean environment is a big factor for having an organized mind. Also, you’re right, everything should first start among the parents before their child gets to adapt the same values. You might want to try consulting a specialist regarding their condition, so as to guide you on how to approach them. :) You can do it, Stacy.

    Malinda Chaudhry
