Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hidden Treasures on my iPhone

 I recently received an email message telling me that my iPhone was reaching maximum capacity in memory.  I was wondering how in the world this could be because I really don't have a whole lot on there.  Low and behold I look at my photo album and see that I had over 800 photos and about a dozen videos.  I never hook up my phone to my computer (guess I better start) so I uploaded all the photos to my computer and sat and looked through them today.

My children ALL steal my iPhone from time to time and from the photos I saw today, apparently they ALL take photos when they steal my phone from me.

I have to admit I totally enjoyed looking through them all and sure laughed more than once.  Here are a few I must share:

ELIJAH photos:

one of the twins rubber fidget toys broke and this is how Elijah decided to use it.....

Do NOT attempt this at home!!!!

CAMILLE's photos:

Random Twin Photos:

Looking through all of these photos almost makes me feel as though I just unpacked my summer clothes only to find a $20 bill stuck in a pocket of my shorts :)  I may just have to ask my kids to take my phone more often and take some photos, its kinda nice to see things through someone else's view..

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