Friday, October 21, 2011

31 for 21: Blog Hopping for Down syndrome

We're participating in hopes that we'll stumble upon some new blogging buddies. Click the link below and find out how you can join us!

There are so many beautiful children, so many wonderful stories parents are sharing, so many new friends to make.  Join me in hopping around to a few blogs this weekend... Fun Fun :)


  1. So glad to have found your blog on the "hop"!!! YAY!!!!!

  2. Found your blog while hopping this evening, too! I'd actually heard of your boys over the last few years around the circuit, but don't think I knew you had a blog. I'll be following now! Looking forward to reading more about your family. :-)

  3. blog hopping! your boys are cuties!

  4. Thanks for being in the Hoppin' for 21 blog hop.
    What a perfect and beautiful family you have! Can't wait to read more.

  5. Hopping on in......Glad I found you! Just became your newest follower!

  6. Hopping over and so glad to see those cute boys again. :o)
