Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Texting Twins

Christmas 2010 has come and gone.  The twins enjoyed things more this year than before.  They still do not really comprehend that there is something fun waiting for them behind the wrapping paper and have no interest in opening their gifts.  This year I wrapped a few things, but the majority of things I just put into a gift bag for them.  Due to the fact that the older three children were so very excited about Christmas this year and woke us up by 5am, the twins were totally not in the mood to even participate in the gift opening with us at that time.

I have so many fun photos to share, but the twins and their $2 Buzz Lightyear Phones really gave me a kick.  They always see everyone texting on their phones and it was like they were sitting there sending each other messages.  One would push buttons and laugh, then the other would push buttons and laugh..  they sure know how to make a mama laugh.

Isaac loved his sock monkey:

Caleb loved to Dance with Just Dance on the Wii with his siblings and cousins:

Camille was adorable in her new hat and scarf:

Elijah was super excited and very animated about getting his Beyblades Wii game:

And mom and dad finally buckled and got Tristin her first phone:

hummmmmmm......wonder how the twins figured out to text?????

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