Sunday, October 17, 2010

31 for 21: Today we've been blessed with 5 years of twins

Honestly all of my children are growing up before my eyes and quickly. The twins however are my babies and they will stay my babies for a long time yet. They are shorter than most children turning 5, they are delayed in their learning, they are still in diapers, non-verbal, and still rely on us to feed them daily... SO, I get to enjoy the baby phase so much longer with them. I'm not complaining, I guess I'm sorta bragging. I love the baby phase, I love the toddler phase, and I get to enjoy both of these phases longer with my twins who happen to have an extra 21st chromosome (aka Down Syndrome), than I did with my three typical children before them. This is one of the many blessings I have found with raising children with Down Syndrome. I DO promote independence as much as I can, but there are just things right now that they are unable to do, and I don't mind a bit helping them out while they need me to.

Large gathering are not fun for my twins. They tend to find a quite corner and play there. Tom has a very large family so anytime we have a gathering, its a large one. Today was no different we had just immediate family, (mostly Tom's) and we had 29 people come to the boy's birthday party. They did pretty good, better than previous years. I explained to them all day that it was their birthday and people were going to come and sing to them. I sang Happy Birthday to them about a dozen times before the party just to get them ready and their reaction was still that of the center photo of the collage above. I must admit its quite funny to see them cover their ears and eyes and make everyone feel as though they have the worst signing voice known to man.

So today marks Five years of Twins, Five Years of Down Syndrome, Five years of New Friendships, Five years of networking with other parents online, Five years of life changing views of life, Five years of relying on God to be with me and my husband to guide us in raiseing these children, Five years of Smiles, Hugs, Kisses, total excitment and joy coming from these boys when they see their mommy and daddy. Five years of the boys teaching us way more than we've taught them.

Happy Birthday Boys, I love you to the moon and back!!!!
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1 comment:

  1. you are so so blessed. G will turn 5 inNovember and weve only had her in our life since June 7th. I grieve for the years we missed but I am thankful that God worked it out so she could come home to live with us......
