Thursday, October 28, 2010

31 for 21: Thankful Thursday Our Girls Nite Out

Often times trying to get away for a night of fun activities is so difficult to do.  Tonight I found a way to have a girl night out.  There was a local church here in town hosting a concert by Meredith Andrews.  I have been hearing some of her songs on the radio lately and loving them as I have really related to some of the words.  When I heard she was coming to town I had to go.  This was the first concert for Tristin and Camille both and I am happy to say they both left there with a CD signed by Meredith and they loved the concert.

Music is such a struggle here at the house lately.  Tristin is 13 and wants to listen to all the Top 40 Music.  I "the mean mean mommy" do not approve of alot of the songs and make her turn it off.  I have been trying to get her interested in more Christian artist and I'm hoping tonight was a good step in the right direction.

When she first watch Meredith Andrews on YouTube to decide if she wanted to go see her she said "Mom, she's so pretty" to which I replied "Do you think you can't be pretty and a Christan?".  That made both of us giggle but it opened up a great conversation between the two of us.

I feel so caught up in just tending to the twins these days.  Their many therapies, feeding them, bathing them, keeping them entertained, that I feel like I'm losing precious time with Tristin right now.  As soon as she turned 13 the teenager attitude kicked in.  That VERY same day!!!  Anytime I can bond with her is a good time.  I enjoyed both of my girls tonight.  I pray that something may have been said or done tonight to open their  hearts more to following the Lord in their days to come.  The older they get, the more nervous this mama gets to let them go off and make all their decisions without me.  Its scary in one aspect, but exciting in another knowing that I have faith that they have a very bright future ahead of them. 

Thanks Girls!!! Luv Ya XOXOX

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