The one thing that I have to admit I've totally grown to love are the beautiful almond shaped eyes people with Down Syndrome tend to have. When the boys were born that was the feature that caught the peditrician and nurses attention that my boys may have Down Syndrome. I could not see it. I remember looking at them and looking at them, over and over again, and finally telling the nurse that I just couldn't see it. She said something that I will never forget. She said "Honey, your looking at them through a mothers eyes, and they are perfect to you in every way." AMEN! Now looking back on photos I can see it. I think that it may have been God's plan for me to not see them any different while we were getting to know each other. Now I find it to be one of their most attractive features.
By boys are identical. But I can tell them apart by their eyes. I love love love Isaacs eyes and I call them "Rainbow Eyes". They just make me smile like I do when I see a beautiful rainbow outside after a warm afternoon shower.
I saw the name of your blog when signing up for the 31 for 21 Challenge. So, I thought I'd check it out. Your boys are so adorable! It's so encouraging to read another Christian's blog that has a child with DS. I was encouraged by reading your blog. I like your 'Never say I'm sorry' post. I think I may be posting something similar this month.