Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Your Baby Can Read: Month Two

So honestly this month, mama has been sick for the better part of the month.  I have sat and watched the videos with the boys, talked them through it and have still been amazed at how easily they seem to pick up these words.  The challenge that we are faced with is that since the boys are both non-verbal, not only do we have to teach them to recognized the written word, but we have to teach them the sign and have them understand that as well.  This is a learning experience for them as well as me.  Stage Two is somewhat of a repeat of Stage One with several new words added.  The boys are such visual learners which is why I know this is something that is going to work for them.  At this point I have calculated that they are reading and recognizing more than 25 words.  I do believe that they recognize a few more but do to fine motor issues are unable to do the signs just yet.  For example, the word BIB they would sign the word eat (which they can do) and then draw a bib on their chest... unable to do that.  However, I do think that they know what the word is and what it means.

I finally figured out how to get some video on here and its not from my $500 video camera... its from my cell phone... go figure technology!!??

Here are the boys watching the video, I apologize for my froggy voice, I should have NEVER tried to sing on video with a sore throat.
Month 2 Video

And then here are some of the flashcards that the boys have mastered from Stage Two:

Month 2 Flashcards

I plan on staying on Stage Two for another week or two and then moving onto Stage Three.  Both boys watch the video at least once a day, followed by either the flashcards OR the book.  Occasionally I will sit down with them and do the flashcards from Stage One as review and Stage Two.  I am trying to show them signs daily for new words we are learning and they seem to be trying to imitate me the best they can.  I have the TSS workers working on this program with them while we are at Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy twice a week.  The boys each have 1/2 hour sessions and the twin not in therapy sits in the waiting room and does cards and reads the book with their TSS worker.  They get very vocal and very excited when we get the cards and books out for them.  I believe that they are actually proud to show off to the other people in the waiting room and seem to flaunt their stuff extra dramatic like.

The Parents Guide suggests that children age 12 months to 3 years do Stage 2 for 2 months and children ages 3 to 5 years to stay on one Stage for one month at a time.  I will modify this a bit due to the sign language that the boys are learning too.  I will stay on Stage Two for 6 weeks and transition into Stage Three in week six.  My boys are smart guys, they are getting it, I just want to make sure they are getting the most out of the program.

Month Two Impression:  AMAZING!!!!

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