Monday, April 26, 2010

Your Baby Can Read Update - Volume One

Ok, I have been trying to figure out how to upload a video from my camcorder to my computer for two weeks now and that has been my excuse not to blog about this program.  So enough is enough.  I will post a video as soon as I figure it out and with the help of my brother in law who is an IT I hope that it will be sooner than later.

Now about the program.  I won the starter DVD package from a great blog give away in December on a blog called Pink Nothings .  We received the DVD and it was slow getting the boys started with it as they are VERY MUCH set in their ways and like to watch their usual tv programs and sometimes are resistant to watching new things.  This program caught their attention rather quickly but as quick as it caught their attention, they lost their attention at the beginning.  As I continued to put in the video and get excited about it myself they started really focusing and paying attention to what the children were doing and to what the man was saying on the TV.  We watched this for about two weeks and I started seeing amazing things happening.  The boys were putting their arms up when the words came on the screen before they were being spoken.  I saw them pointing to body parts as the words appeared on the screen and before they were spoken.  I stood there with my mouth wide open not believing what I was seeing.  I was cautious not to get to excited thinking that perhaps they were just memorizing the order of things on the tv screen.  At week three we went ahead and got out the flash cards to show them.  Again... I was open jawed and teary eyed when they signed every word they knew.  I was certain that they knew all the words but I never formally taught them the signs.  Words such as tiger, elephant, gorilla.  I got onto and looked up these words myself to teach to the boys and they were signing them correctly within the week.

I kept this up and was certain that this program was going to work for us.  I just had to come up with the money to purchase the package, but I was going to try to do that as soon as I could.  Then I was contacted by Pink Nothings to give my testimony of how the starter package is working for us.  Here is what I wrote:

Okay, Okay, I WAS THE DECEMBER WINNER!! I want to tell you that my 4 year old identical twin boys both with PDD Autism and Down Syndrome AND they are both non-verbal are really getting it. They sign each word as it comes up on the screen. We have the starter DVD and they already knew all the words to sign except for tiger, gorilla and elephant but they know them now :) I am going to give it about another week or two and then I will video tape them and blog about it. I am sold!!! I think I am going to buy the rest of the program for them very soon!! Thank you SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!


Your not going to believe this... but within minutes of me posting this, I was contacted again.  This time, I was given a Your Baby to Read Representative to discuss getting the deluxe package for FREE!!!  WHAT??!!!  Yes, for free.  I have agreed to work with the boys, document their progress, blog about it and hopefully post some videos of their progress to show that this can and will work for children of all abilities.  I am a big fan of this program.  I have taken it to the boys preschool and they were AMAZED and have already put into their wishes for next years budget to get this program for the children.  I too may purchase one for the lending library at The Arc of Jefferson County.  I am excited to move onto Volume 2 while continuing to review Volume 1 with the boys.  They are BOTH getting it, they are BOTH reading random words shown to them on the cards and in the book.  They are BOTH making their mommy so proud!!!

More to come soon.... (with a give a way coming your way!)


  1. Thank-you for posting this. I was at Class of 2008 and saw your post listed on her sidebar so I clicked over here. My dd has DS and is visually impaired. Her vision is improving and she has started learning her letters. Do you think the flashcards are big enough for kids with low vision?

  2. Hi Stacy, I am soo happy that you are able to work with YBCR program. Great post and I am super excited it is working for your boys.
