Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day #1

Today was such a beautiful snow day. I love when we get a such large accumulation in one days time. The snow today is airy and light and just dusts everything within sight, its breathtaking. While I am not a fan of the cold weather during the winter months, I certainly would feel like I were missing something without the beauty and awe of snow.

Today I went outside literally to shovel a path for my dogs so they would go to the bathroom outside and not in my house. The more I was outside, the more I began to play in the snow like a child myself. It must have been catchy cause Elijah dressed himself and came outside to play with mom in the snow. When we came out the dogs came out with him and I have to say I have not laughed so hard in a long time watching Rosco our little pug puppy literally drowning in the snow. The snow was deeper than he is high. I couldn't capture just how funny it was with photographs, wish I would have had the camcorder charged....but here's what I got:

The dogs got smart and realized they could follow in Elijah tracks:

Then Elijah and I decided to fall backwards off the deck into the snow

I really had a fun playdate with Elijah and the dogs today :)


  1. LOL, looks like our house! We didn't go outside though because it is so bitter cold!!

  2. wow! That's a lot of snow. We only got 3 inches and it's mostly gone now. Looks like you had a lot of fun. :-)
