Sunday, January 24, 2010


I am not a very good mommy when it comes to sled riding and outdoor play in the winter.  I hate getting kids ready to go outside.  It take so much time and I usually have so much whining to endure when the first kid dressed is so overheated they are about to pass out before I can get the third kid dressed, then tempers flare and before I know it the first kid decids they don't even want to go outside and play with their siblings who are taking way to long to get dressed.... (can you tell I've dealt with this scene a few times in my household before?)

This wasn't the case last week though and the kids all had fun sledding with their cousins Kylie and Tyler and their Uncle Timmy.  I on the other hand skipped the sledding and hit the treadmill while the kids were occupied!!

Here are a few cute photos of the kids outside:

Kylie and Tyler and Uncle Timmy's head
And PROOF that Elijah is not the only Hanzely boy to wear PiNk.....LOL  when you have older sisters boys, you will wear their clothing outside since it was only worn a half dozen times by your sister!!!
And a photo of little Alex all bundled up to go shopping with his mama

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