Saturday, December 5, 2009

Who's teaching their baby to read?

So who has seen this infomercial? I honestly have not. My older three kids have and they often tell me Mmom get this for the boys", but when I see that I think.. that ain't gonna happen with my twins.

I follow another blog called Pink Nothings who is giving this away as a free Christmas Giveaway. I love following this site because the one sister has two BEAUTIFUL girls both with Down Syndrome. They are not twins, there is a two year age difference. The parents were shocked (as everyone would be) when the second daughter came along blessed with an extra chromosome like her big sister. Obviously, parents experiencing the same road as have a dear spot in my heart.

Anyway, if you follow the link to Pink Nothings above you will be able to witness first hand seeing a four year old girl with Down Syndrome reading. It truly brought a tear to my eye, that was amazing! My boys are still at a disadvantage because they are completely non-verbal, BUT they do sign and we could just teach them the sign along with the words. My guys amaze me everyday. They are very smart. They are very interested in learning. They get bored very easily so they MUST be engaged in something every single day. Things from watching Signing times and enforcing new signs, to doing fine motor skills playing with toys, to running around and wrestling with the older siblings. They really are normal kids and I always love finding new techniques to help them learn. They are both very visual guys, so this Teach your Baby to Learn intrigues me.

If you have used it, or know of anyone who has. Give me some feedback.


  1. I wish I knew how to teach a nonverbal child to read! And Kayla doesn't sign, either. :-( I know she can read her name, since her preschool teacher showed me how they hold up the names of the kids to be dismissed from circle time, and Kayla knew HER name when it was shown. I wish I knew how to do more of that!

  2. Hello, I found your blog awhile ago. I am a sign language interpreter. I am currently interpreting for a student who has down syndrome. I started with him 5 years ago he, did not have any sign or reading skills. He is not signing and reading. It is in english word order. We teach him all of the words as sight words and the signs that go along with them. Hope this helps. I recommend starting young as this student did not start till third grade. Good Luck.

  3. Thanks for the advice "anonymous" :) I have been showing the boys flash cards with pictures and words in hopes that they will be able start relating the words to the pics and then sign them.
