About a year ago I went to Tristins Girl Scout meeting with her and they had a pizza party. They got this HUGE party pizza from a local restaurant and I decided to get one for Elijah's birthday. It is a 28" round pizza. Let me tell you, we had to tilt the box just to get it in my house. I knew better than to go and pick it up, there's no way it would fit in my car with all the car seats and all.
Elijah and his daddy have been watching a show on the Food Network called Man vs. Food. Its about this guy who travels to these restaurants that have food competitions or have awards for eating the hottest wings or the biggest burger etc. Well, when Elijah saw this pizza he says "Mom, I think its time for Boy vs. Food" We laughed so hard, and I tried to document his pizza eating adventure to see how far he could get.
Here he goes:
He's getting there:
I'm impressed, maybe he'll do it:
AWWWWW Shucks!
You gave it a good try honey :)
Now here is everyone else eating their pizza. This is worth sharing, these slices were SOOO BIG!!
Needless to say, this pizza fed a family of 7 three different meals.
WOW that is the BIGGEST PIZZA I have ever seen in my life!!!!