Blog makeover already??
I have had so much fun tonight planning and giving orders to a friend of mine from (I gave out nice orders) She was saying she enjoys tinkering around with blogs and she's been reading up on HTML and getting to know the ins and outs of developing blogs. I asked if she could give me some advice or help me out and she so graciously spent time with me tonight and did an absolutely wonderful job. What talent she has and oh what a story she has. I have enjoyed following her blog for some time now. She has the most beautiful children and just recently added another beauty to her family through adoption. If you get a minute and want to see some kids that are almost as cute as mine....LOL... here's her blog
Thanks for a great job Bethany, I'm so excited to have a blog I'll love to look at everyday :)
LOL you are way too kind! It was nothing, really! :)